"  This vim-Script is used for editing mails
"  First let's have some configuration variables:

" If you want, to have the quoted Signature automatically removed, set
" this variable to 1
" This function is by default bound to <leader>mdq
let g:DeleteQuotedSignature=1
" Or use
" map <leader>dqs call DeleteQuotedSig<CR>

" If you want to have Old Subject lines automatically removed, set the
" following variable to 1
" This function is by default bound to <leader>mds
let g:DeleteOldSubject=1

" You can clean the subject of the annoying parts "RE", "AW" or "(was: ...)"
" automatically by setting this variable to 1.
" The function is by default bound to <leader>mcs
let g:CleanSubject=1

" You can automatically put a Greeting string into the message by setting
" this variable to 1. Note you have to initialize the variables b:Signoff (for
" the Signoff string) and b:Name (for your name) in order to have it working.
" Also note that there is no key mapping done for that function by default
let g:SignOff=1

" If you want to switch the topic of the mail, use the function
" ChangeSubject() which is by default bound to <leader>mct

" First initialize the variables

"if !exists(g:DeleteQuotedSignature)
"    let s:DeleteQuotedSignature=0
"    let s:DeleteQuotedSignature=g:DeleteQuotedSignature
"if !exists(g:DeleteOldSubject)
"    let s:DeleteOldSubject=0
"    let s:DeleteOldSubject=g:DeleteOldSubject
"if !exists(g:CleanSubject)
"    let s:CleanSubject=0
"    let s:CleanSubject=g:CleanSubject

" Let's first start with the mappings of the functions
map <silent> <leader>mdq :call DeleteQuotedSig()<CR>
map <silent> <leader>mds :call DeleteOldSubject()<CR>
map <silent> <leader>mct :call CleanSubject2()<CR>:call ChangeSubject()<CR>
map <silent> <leader>mcs :call CleanSubject()<CR>

" Let's first start with the mappings of the functions

"Delete quoted Signature
function! DeleteQuotedSig()"{{{
    if search('^[|> ]\+-- $') != 0 
        g/^[|> ]\+-- $/normal d}
    if search('^[|> ]\+--$')!=0
        g/^[|> ]\+--$/normal d}

" Delete old Subject line
function! DeleteOldSubject()"{{{
    " store old search register
    let s:oldSearch=@/

    " Search for the Subject Line
"    let @/ = "^\(Subject: \)\(Re: \|An: .*\)\((was\|r: .*)\)$"
    "let @/="^\\(Subject: \\)\\(Re: \\|AW: \\)*\\([^(]*\\)\\( (wa\\%(s\\|r\\): .*)\\)$"
    "let @/="^\\(Subject: \\)\\(\\%([rR][eE]\\)\\|\\%([aA][wW]\\): \\)\\(\\%([rR][eE]\\)\\|\\%([aA][wW]\\): \\)\+\\([^(]*\\)\\( (wa\\%(s\\|r\\): .*)\\)$"
    let @/="^\\(Subject: \\)\\(.\\{-}\\) (wa\\%(s\\|r\\): .*)$"

    :if search(@/) != 0
    " restore search register
    let @/=s:oldSearch

" Change Subject
function! ChangeSubject()"{{{
    let l:origCursor=line('.')
    call cursor(1,0)
    let l:lineNum=search("^Subject: ")
    let l:origSubj=getline(l:lineNum)
    if has("gui")
        let l:newSubject=inputdialog("Enter new Subject: ")
        let l:newSubject=input("Enter new Subject: ")
        echo ""
    if l:newSubject != ""
        call DeleteOldSubject()
        let l:oldSubject="^\\(Subject: \\)\\(.*\\)$"
        let iNewSubject=substitute(l:origSubj,l:oldSubject,"\\1".l:newSubject." (was: \\2)","")
        call setline(l:lineNum, iNewSubject)
    call cursor(l:origCursor, 0)

" Set Signoff-String
function! Signoff(Signoff,Name)"{{{
    if (search("^-- $") == 0)
        call cursor(9999999,0)
    let curLine=getline(".")
    if (curLine != a:Name)
        if  version>=700
            call append(line("."),[a:Signoff,a:Name])
            call append(line("."),a:Name)
            call append(line("."),a:Signoff)

function! CleanSubject()"{{{
    let l:origLine=line('.')
    let l:origCol=col('.')
    call cursor(1,0)
    if search("^Subject: ") != 0
        let l:origSubj=getline(".")
        let l:pattern="\\%(\\%([Rr][Ee]\\)\\|\\%([Aa][Ww]\\)\\)\\[\\=[1-9]\\=\\]\\=: \\="
        " First Get Rid of all RE/AW
        let l:NewSubject=substitute(l:origSubj,l:pattern,"","g")
        if l:NewSubject !=# l:origSubj
            " Now insert one single Re: if we have previously removed them
            let l:NewSubject=substitute(l:NewSubject,"^\\(Subject: \\)","\\1Re: ","")
"           call setline(".",l:NewSubject)
        call setline(".",l:NewSubject)
    call cursor(l:origLine,l:origCol)
" Enable Attaching of files using :Attach
function! Attach(Filename)"{{{
    normal magg}-
    let list =[]
    for line in readfile(a:Filename)
        let list+=['Attach: '.line]
    call append(line('.'), list)
    normal `a

function! CleanSubject2()"{{{
    let l:origLine=line('.')
    let l:origCol=col('.')
    call cursor(1,0)
    if search("^Subject: ") != 0
        let l:origSubj=getline(".")
"       let l:pattern="\\%(\\%([Rr][Ee]\\)\\|\\%([Aa][Ww]\\)\\)\\[\\=[1-9]\\=\\]\\=: \\="
        let l:pattern="\\%(\\%([Rr][Ee]\\)\\|\\%([Aa][Ww]\\)\\|\\%([Ff][Ww]\\)\\)\\[\\=[1-9]\\=\\]\\=: \\="
        " First Get Rid of all RE/AW
        let l:NewSubject=substitute(l:origSubj,l:pattern,"","g")
        call setline(".",l:NewSubject)
    call cursor(l:origLine,l:origCol)

if exists("g:CleanSubject") && g:CleanSubject==1
    call CleanSubject()
"if s:DeleteQuotedSignature==1
if exists("g:DeleteQuotedSignature") && g:DeleteQuotedSignature==1
    call DeleteQuotedSig()

"if s:DeleteOldSubject==1
if exists("g:DeleteOldSubject") && g:DeleteOldSubject==1
    call DeleteOldSubject()

if exists("b:Signoff") && exists("b:Name") && exists("g:SignOff") && g:SignOff==1 
    call Signoff(b:Signoff,b:Name)
"call DeleteOldSubject()
call cursor(1,1)
call search("^$")

command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AttachList :call Attach("<args>")
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AttachFile exe "normal magg}-" | call append(line('.'), 'Attach: <args>') | normal `a

" vi:foldmethod=marker:foldenable:foldlevel=0: